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Cool, so we just added Postgres to our Remix app. Let's see how we can add new posts to our database via the web interface. The result of this article...
As you might know, I'm a big fan of Prisma, and since we choose the indie stack when we set up our Remix project, it already comes with...
We had a brief first-look at TypeORM, an excellent ORM system for managing your database. I wrote about this first as I was transitioning to Prisma,...
You might have heard of CRUD. It's a concept of data manipulation which stands for: C: Create R: Read U: Update D: Delete Which these four steps, we...
In this article, we'll be setting up a basic TypeORM started. I want to have this starter in my toolkit to showcase a conversion to Prisma later...
Ever since I started showing interest in Prisma, the Studio element kept showing up everywhere. Prisma studio is basically a GUI for the data in your...